Latest Podcast
Ceremony: What Is It?
We here a lot about ceremony and its role in funeral service today. In our opinion it is important. Yet, we no longer live in a society with unified perspectives. Ceremony to one person may be “hidebound tradition” to another. An unscripted gathering may in fact be a ceremony. Danny and Alan discuss this phenomenon and how funeral directors can embrace ceremony on the customer’s terms without predefining it.
/RSS FeedDigital Funeral Arrangements
The big topic today is Artificial Intelligence with some wondering if it will eventually replace the funeral director. Alan and Danny discuss whether some day people will make arrangements electronically and avoid ever interacting with a funeral director.
/RSS FeedThe Power of Anticipation
What are the skill sets necessary for success as a funeral director?
The best funeral directors seem to have a “sixth sense.” I call it “Anticipatory.” Danny calls it “Radar.” Regardless, it is a heightened awareness of everything at once. It includes anticipating customer needs and anticipating potential barriers to seamless service. In many ways it can be summed up as “being on top of things” or “being ahead of things.”
In this podcast Danny and Alan talk about what it is and how to develop your staff to have it.
/RSS FeedIs There Such A Thing As a Funeral
No one argues any more that funeral service is changing rapidly. We all know our customer has changed, our vendors are changing and our staff is no longer willing to work the hours we did when we started. So, is there such a thing as a funeral anymore? If so what is it? Can we define it? If so, why is it important to do so?
Danny and Alan discuss these and other issues that will help give focus to our future.
RSS FeedWhat? So What? Now What?
Danny and Alan discuss a simple and easy format for conducting an arrangement conference that is guaranteed to engage families.
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