Latest Podcast
What Is The “Heart” of Funeral Service
One of your licensees comes to you and asks: “What is the one thing you want me to accomplish with every family I serve?” What would you say? Alan and Danny discuss this idea in light of interviews with many funeral home owners.
/RSS FeedWhat Have We Lost?
Continuing their previous conversation about Why we do what we do, Alan and Danny discuss what essential trait funeral service has lost in the last 15 years and how we can get it back.
/RSS FeedThe “Why” of What We Do
Simon Sinek in his profound TED Talk made the statement that “People don’t buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it.” Danny and Alan discuss “Why Funeral Directors Do What They Do” in this brief episode.
/RSS FeedThe Power of Delegation
Danny and Alan discuss why and why we don’t delegate as well as the advantages to you, your staff and your customers of delegating tasks.
/RSS FeedGetting and Keeping Good Staff
Alan and Danny Interview Bob Heidlage of Global Recruiters about why staff leave and why they stay and how to find good ones. You can reach Bob Directly at Global Recruiters of Batesville: (812) 932-1290 [email protected]
/RSS Feed



