Alan Creedy
“Ya know how sometimes we get ourselves into situations and nothing we do seems to work to get us out? Alan Creedy has the unique ability to quickly see what can be done, separate it from the ‘rabbit trails’ and create a strategy for success.”
As an accountant with a degree in Psychology, Alan has an unusual combination of skill sets. This background along with more than 40 year’s hands-on industry experience enables him to quickly analyze core problems, develop and prioritize solutions and implement strategies for quick turnaround.
Alan’s career in “Death-Care” started forty years ago as President of the financially distressed OGR Service Corporation, the for-profit arm of The Order of The Golden Rule. After five years and the successful rebirth of that company, he went on to become President of Brown-Wynne Funeral homes and cemeteries. There he built upon the already successful legacy of a highly respected company; ultimately orchestrating its sale for a multiple more than 10 times EBITDA.
In addition to the weekly Creedy Commentary, he frequently contributes to industry trade journals and speaks at trade conventions. Among his affiliations outside the DeathCare industry are The Center For Creative Leadership, The Business Enterprise Institute and Human Synergistics. Alan believes in giving back and so was recently honored to serve as Chairman of the Funeral Service Foundation.
Danny Jefferson
When it comes to ingenuity & Innovation few can match Danny Jefferson. His depth of experience and sheer determination enabled him to build a 60-call business to more than 300 in an astounding 8 years!
Funeral Director, Cemeterian, Business Owner, Trainer, Standup Comedian, Danny is both an enigma and pathfinder among funeral directors. If a single description were needed it would have to include “challenge master.” Danny has simply never met an obstacle he couldn’t overcome. From profound deafness to bankruptcy, he has walked his talk.
American Funeral Director Magazine’s 2017 Funeral Director of the Year substantiates the impact he has had on funeral service, his associates and local community. What drives him is fire in his belly to grow and help others.
Having started his career in funeral service in the 1970’s as part of a legendary funeral home in North Carolina he has “done it all.” But where he stands out is his ability to engage with customers and staff to help them find the best solutions for THEM. It is this gift that enabled him to build his firm from 60 to 300 calls in only 8 years…despite heavy competition from some of his market’s most prestigious firms.
Danny is now ready to give back to funeral service. He believes that the solution to the profession’s needs lies in better training and that training must come from a seasoned licensee who has seen it all and done most.

Why Two Guys and A Question?
We believe funeral service is moving through its 5th major transformation in 150 years.
If we could go back in time to 1875 it would be obvious that practices, considered routine at the time, have no relevance today. Skill sets like managing horses, building coffins, and setting up cooling boards are utterly foreign to the 21st century. Today, unlike previous generations, key skills can change multiple times within a single career. Skill sets that were vital just 30 years ago are an anachronism in today’s business environment.
Yet, funeral service survived the radical transformations of the past, ultimately becoming more robust and lucrative. We believe we can do it again. The only thing standing in our way is our “death-grip” on outdated beliefs and customs. Be clear: we are not saying that we should discard the “baby with the bathwater”. Form changes with the times. Substance does not. The human need to gather, comfort and physically interact is a permanent human need in times of stress.
No one argues any more about change. That our customers have changed, our vendors have changed and our staff has changed is obvious. But “how to change” is the challenge with which we all struggle. There is no longer a one-size-fits-all solution.
Enter Two Guys and A Question: By addressing key issues facing the profession in short, succinct ways we hope to stimulate both debate and collaboration. Yes, we will express our opinion. But that opinion is not a command but, instead, a goad meant to make YOU think for yourself in order that you will find solutions that you can implement.
Our role is to provoke you to address what you need to do to best accomplish your goals.