Latest Podcast
Two Components of Radical Hospitality
Alan and Danny dive deeper into Radical Hospitality
/RSS FeedUnderserving Non-Burial Families
Danny and Alan believe the profession at large are underserving families who choose cremation or other form of disposition over burial. Listen as they explore this sensitive topic.
/RSS FeedIs There A Cremation After – Market?
Alan and Danny talk with Tom Anderson (FUNERAL DIRECTOR DAILY) on a wide range of topics which include Tom’s belief there is a significant opportunity in what he calls the Cremation After-Market.
/RSS FeedVeteran Insights to Facebook
When I started Trust 100 it was a Television COOP. That coop produced an average 30% increase in calls. We actually had one member quit because he was growing too fast. Today Social Media has replaced conventional media in power and impact.
Danny and Alan discuss why social media is so powerful with Bill Johnston of Post and Boost media. Learn the 4 ways to grow your business.
You can reach Bill at
Order Bill’s last book here
/RSS FeedWhen Tasks Defeat Purpose
Observe the daily activities and personal interactions of funeral directors and you will quickly realize that their focus and personal interactions are governed by a deep task orientation. In fact, the profession has made the mistake of conflating tasks with purpose. Yet it is purpose combined with intentionality that most readily differentiates your firm from others. Danny and Alan discuss this phenomenon and share examples of how to refocus toward purpose to break out of being average.
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