Latest Podcast
How To Expand Your Trade Area
Many funeral directors believe your trade area is naturally limited. Not so! We know funeral directors who have expanded as much as 35 miles beyond their conventional service area. Danny and Alan discuss how you can do this too.
/RSS FeedHandling Cremated Remains With Class
When someone comes to pick up their loved one’s remains, how do you handle the process? Surprisingly, most funeral homes treat it as if someone were picking up an ordinary package. Danny and Alan discuss how to add class and make a positive impression for your business.
/RSS FeedIncorporating Ceremony With Cremation
Danny and Alan discuss how to talk to cremation customers about ceremony.
/RSS FeedDefusing Family Arguments
It is no longer uncommon for family fights to erupt during an arrangement or service. Alan and Danny talk about ways to defuse them.
/RSS FeedWhat Is The Meaning of The Word Funeral
Danny and Alan discuss the connotation of words and how the help or hurt
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